Project House


Turner & Hoskins Architects were commissioned to provide new proposals for this site in Surrey which included a large single storey office building, yard, and parking area.  Previous endeavours by others had been unsuccessful, and we therefore provided a realistic appraisal of the site, practical advice and guidance, and suggested we worked with Berry Town Planning to formulate a strategy for the site.

We undertook a thorough appraisal of the local architecture, styles, period details, and building relationships, in order to inform our proposals for the site, and the final design is completely informed by these investigations; from the front-facing dormer windows, to the exposed rafter feet, the choice of materials, or the projecting bay windows with their roofs extended to form entrance canopies over the front doors, the use of similar details, materials, and aesthetic was critical to the success of this design.

All rooms are provided with natural light, whilst rooflights allow natural light to filter down to the stairs and landings, and during warmer months, the rooflights will also assist with natural stack ventilation; warm stale air is expelled via the rooflight at the top of the house, and cooler fresh air is drawn in at lower levels.  Living and sleeping accommodation will meet nationally prescribed standards, so too will the amount of storage space provided.  Too often, the needs of the prospective homeowner are not fully considered, but the design of these homes provides a range of spaces to ensure the practical needs of the occupants can be reasonably met.

The design seeks to provide well-considered layouts and spaces which are well ventilated and naturally lit.  Use of traditional materials and detailing will ensure the homes are pleasing in appearance, and not discordant with their neighbours.

The site owner engaged with the local Community, keeping them advised of the proposals, and responding to questions raised.  Given the previous planning history, it was therefore extremely satisfying that the Local Parish Council raised no objections, whilst the local Householders Association’s comments concluded:

We believe that the 4 new homes now proposed fit well within the site and the environment…and will provide an enhanced visual appearance…[The local householder association] by majority, therefore support this application and hopes that the requisite Planning Permission is granted for the scheme as currently proposed.

The Planning Officer’s report noted:

It is considered that the proposals would be acceptable form of development which would appear in keeping with the scale and form of development in the locality….The proposed dwellings would be of sufficient size…to meet the required standard in the Nationally Described Space Standards.  Occupiers of the proposed development would have a satisfactory living environment…

“Awesome. This is great news and I really appreciate your efforts it getting this through.”

Dan & Mandy