Flying high
We like to keep up with technological innovations, and using a drone to record the substantial alterations we made to a house was our first foray into this branch of future tech. We worked with a company called PixelBuzz. They are highly-experienced licenced drone operators, always compliant with the most up-to-date legislation, which is particularly important when the skies above us are criss-crossed by flight paths to Gatwick. The aerial views of the house give a comprehensive insight into the changes made to the exterior – not to mention the seasons, which came and went as the project took its course.
To cut a very long story short, the commission was to adapt the property so it met the needs of a young man and is family. Obtaining planning permission was the most difficult part of the project, since the house is in the Green Belt, and what we proposed exceeded their allowance for extending a property. You wouldn’t believe the number and variety of documents we had to submit to prove ‘very special circumstances’! Eventually, after a number of varying types of application, common-sense and compassion prevailed, and we were able to proceed.
The house has a glazed ridge to provide a light and airy space beneath for the master bedroom suite, along with provision for a live-in carer. From the outside, you might pass it by with hardly a glance, but inside it’s like a hidden jewel. We’re proud to play our part fighting for something so important which will make a huge difference to the lives of the young man, his family and carers—and pleased we have this record on film which demonstrates the process so graphically.