
The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted…

Such utterly thrilling words that provide justification for experience, hard work, and conviction.

As a result, the proposal would accord with Policy…which seek high quality design which responds to distinctive local character and a form of development that responds to the scale, height, character and natural features of the area.

We submitted proposals for Planning Permission for a large, two storey rear extension, along with a contemporary dormer window, for a house located within the Green Belt, but which is not Listed, not located within a Conservation Area, nor is it within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The proposed design had been carefully considered.  It sought to provide the accommodation required, whilst also being respectful of the scale of the existing house; the proposal is subservient to the main dwelling.  The layout also reflects and echoes that of the main house, and seeks to provide modern accommodation that allows and facilitates views of the garden and landscape.

The application was adjudged by the Planning Authority to be too contemporary, ignoring the desires and aspirations of the Homeowner.

We believe we have sufficient experience to advise Clients as to what should / shouldn’t be acceptable, and we felt this decision was hugely unjust; unless there is specific Planning Policy or guidance, a preference of style should not be enforced by a Local Authority, and we decided to Appeal the Planning Decision.

The Planning Inspector assessed the proposal to be a ‘complimentary addition’:

The use of a flat roof would contrast with the traditional hipped roof of the host dwelling, but it is well designed and, with an overall height just below the eaves level, would appear subservient and would maintain the integrity of the original dwelling which would continue to be appreciated.

The proposal would also satisfy guidance in the Residential Extensions Supplementary Planning Document which advises that extensions respect the character of the existing building with careful design, are well proportioned and which allows for innovative design which responds to its positive features.  …in this case I have found that it would be sympathetic to the form of the host dwelling in the context of the overall contemporary design approach adopted.  The proposed dormer would also satisfy the guidance…

I consider that the proposal would also comply with the Framework…which seeks to ensure that development adds to the overall quality of the area, is visually attractive and sympathetic to local character.

Needless to say, that after the considerable amount of time, effort, and energy into the analysis of Client requirements, the home, and the design proposals, we are thrilled that the Appeal has been allowed.

Work due to start on site 2021